
  • Bicycle Triumphs Traffic (2020)
  • Bridge Traffic
  • Back from the Market with Mom
  • Plant a tree (2017)
  • Evoqua water cleaning truck
  • Bike Share Triumphs Taxis
  • Bridge traffic (2013)
  • Who will fix the traffic jam?
  • Plant a tree (face cut out)
  • Germinating acorn (2012)
  • Coming April 2012: My national tour, "Nature Connects"
  • Bicycle triumphs traffic
  • Bicycle Triumphs Traffic
  • Christiania Bike
  • Polar Bear
  • Monkeys
  • Rainforest 1 of 3 : Healthy
  • Rainforest 2 of 3 : Destruction
  • Rainforest 3 of 3 : Replanting
  • Snake
  • American SUV
  • Maintaining Normality